Friday, November 30, 2012

San Pedro Cactus Powder Incense

San Pedro Cactus Powder
Freshly Harvested
The San Pedro cactus is a variety that grows naturally in the desert regions of northern Mexico and the southern United States. San Pedro has a history of traditional use among native American tribes as a shamanic teacher plant that can give visions of an alternate reality or the spirit world.
Traditional preparation of San Pedro involves boiling the sliced whole cactus for long periods of time with various admixtures, such as micha (Brugmansia suaveolens) and cimorillo (Coleus blumei). 
Not for human consumption, sold for research,educational or botanical purposes only.

1 comment:

  1. San Pedro Cactus Powder is used for medication in Thailand. Traditionally it sis being used as a medicine. One packet equals to one portion which is one oucne.
